
Welcome To Your New Home


We want to make sure your fully covered while you relax and you enjoy your new StreetSide home. If anything comes up we have a quick and easy process to make sure any concern are addressed quickly.

Service Request Process

Requests for warranty service can be made through your homeowner portal.

  1. Log in to your online homeowner portal using your Home ID and password using the form above
  2. Click ‘Request Service’ (bottom left widget)
  3. Complete the ‘New Service Request’ form:
    1. Your contact information.
    2. Choose the room and item being reported, or leave blank.
    3. Be as descriptive as possible about your issue/s.
    4. Attach a photo or image if appropriate (note: there is a 10MB file size limit).
    5. Indicate the best day and time to attend to your issue.
    6. Click ‘Submit’.
  4. You will receive an email notification that your request has been received.

Once received, your request will be processed as follows.

  1. Customer Service will review your request for clarity. If there are any uncertainties in respect to the nature of the issue(s) and/or warranty coverage you will be contacted to confirm the specifics of the issue(s).
  2. Customer Service will then confirm to you whether the request will be dealt with at your 90-day or year-end anniversary, or whether the item of concern needs to be dealt with immediately.
  3. When it comes time to rectify the issue (either immediately or at one of your anniversaries), Customer Service will contact you to arrange access to your suite for initial inspection and/or service.
    IMPORTANT: Please be prepared to provide the service/ tradesperson access to your home. Should access to your suite not be possible, the service request will not be rectified.
Online Homeowner Portal Login


Homeowner Warranty Request

If you still have access to your conasys portal please submit your home warranty requests through the system above. For all other requests you may fill out the form below.